Responsibilities for Employers and Employees

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  • Responsibility common to employer and employees
    • Safe working environment
      • Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) states employer must ensure working environment is safe
      • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (2002) (COSHH) ensures businesses protect employees from risks of hazardous substances
    • Paid Holiday
      • April 2009, the European Working Time Directive gave full-time workers 28 days paid holiday per year, including bank holidays
    • Paid Maternity and Paternity Leave
      • Not usually on full pay
      • For many years, mums got 39 weeks of paid leave and 13 weeks unpaid
      • Dads got 2 weeks paid leave
      • New laws mean much of a mother's leave can be shared with the dad
    • Attendance
      • Employees have to attend work when they are supposed to and be on time
    • Correct Attitude
      • Employees have to be willing to carry out any reasonable task asked of them


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