Brief research methods - outlined

A brief mindmap - just to refresh your knwoledge on different types of primary and secondary research methods.

Hope this helps )Sorry been really busy so haven't had time to produce a detailed mind map) 

Hope all are well.

  • Created by: Nisaaa
  • Created on: 16-12-13 19:27
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    • Secondary
      • Internet
      • Trade publications
      • National statistics
      • Advantage's
        • Available immediately
        • Untitled
      • Disadvantage's
        • Out of date
        • Sources = expensive to purchase
        • Data is not private
        • Difficult to guarantee reliability and accuracy
    • Primary
      • Questionnaire
      • Focus group
      • Observation
      • Test marketing
      • Advantage's
        • Up to date
        • Tailored to researcher needs
      • Disadvantage's
        • Expensive to carry out
        • Time consuming
        • Can require specialist skills
        • Interviewer bias




Sorry :( I forgot to delete the 'untitled' bubble in the bottom left hand area of the page #Oops Haha :) 

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