Unit 2: AS Sociology, Exam Notes

  • Created by: Alexa!
  • Created on: 22-05-12 20:00

Part A: Only Education (spend 50mins of your exam time to complete)

Question 1(a), 2 marks, write a sentence to define the key word. (use an example to explain the term if you need to.

These terms are what is most likely going to come up for the exam on this question:

  • Social Solidarity
  • Value Consensus 
  • Meritocracy
  • Capitalism
  • Hidden Curriculum
  • Anti-school subculture
  • Social Policy
  • Marketisation
  • Tri-Partite Act
  • The 11+
  • Grammar School
  • Secondary Modern
  • Comprehensive
  • 1988 Education Reform Act (ERA)
  • Curriculum  2000
  • New Vocationalism
  • Cultural Deprivation
  • Material Deprivation
  • Cultural Capital
  • Elaborated Code
  • Restristed Code
  • Labelling
  • Self-fulfilling Prophecy
  • Institutionalised Racism
  • Ethnocentric Curriculum
  • Swann Report
  • Peer Pressure


Question 1(b), 6 marks, usually wants 3 reasonings for something. (Give distinct reasons, layout your answer clearly in three parts, for example bullet point.)

Here are some exam-style questions that are expected in this exam:

1. Suggest three ways in which in a top job can attempt to ensure their sons and daughters attain a position of similar status.

2. Identify and explain three explainations for the underachievement of boys.

3. Suggest three reasons why children from working-class backgrounds tend to do less well in school than those from middle-class backgrounds.

4. Suggest three ways in which schools act as agencies of education.

5. Suggest three criticisms of the Marxist perspective on education.

6. Suggest three functions that education may perform for individuals and or society.

7. Suggest three criticisms of the Tri-Partite Act.

8. Suggest three ways in which schools are 'based on meritocratic principles'.

9. Identify three features of postmodern society.


Question 1(c), 12 marks (AO1-8 and AO2-4), Normally says to 'outline' something. (You must give lots of AO1 but give some AO2 at the end, set it out like a mini essay, it cannot be done in bullet points!!)

Here are some exam-style questions that are expected in this exam:

  • Outline some of the reasons why boys are underachieving.
  • Outline the New Right perspective on education.
  • Outline the sucesses of recent social policy (policy from 1997).
  • Outline some of the reasons why the working class are underachieving.
  • Outline the Marxist perspectives on education.
  • Outline the effects of the 11+
  • Outline why ethnic minorities are underachieving.
  • Outline the Interactionalist perspectives on education.
  • Outline the criticisms of 'new vocationalism'.


Question 1(d), 20 marks (AO1-8 and AO2-12), Normally 'assess' (weigh up arguments for and against an issue, provide critical judgements and reach a conclusion). You WILL be asked to 'refer to the item'. Introduction and conclusion must be added, with sociological material (theories, language, studies) connected to the question set. Elaborate and explain the points you are making, dont babble on! ANALYSE AND EVALUATE, THIS IS KEY FOR AO2.

Here are some exam-style questions that are expected







ha...my teacher gave them to us

Clare Louise


This was very helpful, thank you!



very useful



very useful

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