Creation by Popi

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  • God is the creator- Everything that exists comes from God and depends on God for its existence.
    • God creates everything ex nihilo
    • Understood through Beliefs and teachings
      • God is omnipotent- There is nothing He cannot do
        • First creation account-"God said"
          • Second creation account-' human beings a share in creating'
      • Genesis 1
        • Genesis 1:27- 'so God created humankind in God's image, male and female he created them'
          • Implies that God is beyond gender and beyond our understanding
          • Points to the sanctity of life, since somehow together we image we image God's likeness in the world.
        • Stewardship and Creation-Catholics understand that just as plants are entrusted to us for food(Genesis 1:29), God is entrusting humanity with a special responsibility to care for the creation which He had declared to be good
        • Genesis 2
          • Imago Dei and the Sanctity of life-(Genesis 2:7) Adam is created as a groundling from the earth.BUT God breathes into his nostrils and this groundling receives a soul, which is its living principle and represents the sanctity of life, which ultimately belongs to God alone. Like the spark in Michelangelo's painting, this inspired parable implies that there is something earthly about us but also something divine.
          • Human Dignity and Freedom-The parable continues with God bestowing freedom, a special dignity onto the divine groundling, which is granted a choice to obey or disobey the command related to the Tree of Life and the Tree of knowledge in the middle of the garden (2:17). Through Gods benevolence He is concerned that 'it is not good for Adam to be alone' and therefore makes various animals as his companions(Genesis 2:18) allowing him the freedom to name them, and Adam has surpassed dignity, as he is respectful of creatures, but at liberty to take authority over them(2:20) 'A helper just like him'. Humans are unique
          • Stewardship and Creation-Genesis 2:5 depicts us as partners with God in the care of Creation, and that our first call is to be gardeners! The story then continues with God planting Eden, with every kind of tree and fruit, which captures the idea of the the goodness of creation and God's benevolence.
    • First creation account-"God created"
      • Second creation account-'They were created'
  • God is benevolent- God wants the best for the creation He has made.
    • He has a special relationship and love for human beings who are made in his image.
    • Understood through Beliefs and teachings
      • God is omnipotent- There is nothing He cannot do
        • First creation account-"God said"
          • Second creation account-' human beings a share in creating'
      • Genesis 1
        • Genesis 1:27- 'so God created humankind in God's image, male and female he created them'
          • Implies that God is beyond gender and beyond our understanding
          • Points to the sanctity of life, since somehow together we image we image God's likeness in the world.
        • Stewardship and Creation-Catholics understand that just as plants are entrusted to us for food(Genesis 1:29), God is entrusting humanity with a special responsibility to care for the creation which He had declared to be good
        • Genesis 2
          • Imago Dei and the Sanctity of life-(Genesis 2:7) Adam is created as a groundling from the earth.BUT God breathes into his nostrils and this groundling receives a soul, which is its living principle and represents the sanctity of life, which ultimately belongs to God alone. Like the spark in Michelangelo's painting, this inspired parable implies that there is something earthly about us but also something divine.
          • Human Dignity and Freedom-The parable continues with God bestowing freedom, a special dignity onto the divine groundling, which is granted a choice to obey or disobey the command related to the Tree of Life and the Tree of knowledge in the middle of the garden (2:17). Through Gods benevolence He is concerned that 'it is not good for Adam to be alone' and therefore makes various animals as his companions(Genesis 2:18) allowing him the freedom to name them, and Adam has surpassed dignity, as he is respectful of creatures, but at liberty to take authority over them(2:20) 'A helper just like him'. Humans are unique
          • Stewardship and Creation-Genesis 2:5 depicts us as partners with God in the care of Creation, and that our first call is to be gardeners! The story then continues with God planting Eden, with every kind of tree and fruit, which captures the idea of the the goodness of creation and God's benevolence.
    • First creation account-"God blessed"
      • second creation account-'God is close to his creatures'
  • God is transcendent- God exists outside of space and time.
    • above and beyond everything that exists
    • First creation account- God "hovers over creation"
      • Second creation account-'He forms out of earth'


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