Religion and social protest

  • Created by: Anjalee
  • Created on: 16-12-12 19:25
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  • Bruce: Religion and Social Protest
    • The American Civil Rights Movement
      • Bruce saw religion as helping to bring about change as the churches provided meeting place and sanctuary.  Bruce sees religion as an ideological resource which provides belief and motivation.
      • -Taking the moral ground: Love thy neighbour       -Challenging dissent: the funeral of M.L.K.               -Acting as honest broker: Churches are respected on both sides and is above 'mere politics' -Mobilising public opinion: Black Churches in the South  campaigned for support across America.
    • The New Christian Right
      • Bruce suggests the movement has been largely unsuccessful because the fundamental 'Moral Majority' was only 15%.
      • The aims of the movement is to take 'America back to God' by making abortion, divorce and homosexuality illegal.
      • Followers strongly believed in 'creationalism' and that the Bible's account of creation is literally true and should be taught in schools.
  • The New Christian Right
    • Bruce suggests the movement has been largely unsuccessful because the fundamental 'Moral Majority' was only 15%.
    • The aims of the movement is to take 'America back to God' by making abortion, divorce and homosexuality illegal.
    • Followers strongly believed in 'creationalism' and that the Bible's account of creation is literally true and should be taught in schools.


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