
Elderly and Death

Again and again I faced the suffering of new birth - Christianity

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Matters of Life

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away (Christianity)

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Don't you know that you yourself are God's temple? - Christianity

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Jesus turns water into wine - Christianity 

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If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn the other - Christianity 

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Do not make your own hands contribute to your own destruction - Islam

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  • Taking drugs goes against the Fifth Buddhist Precept – avoid intoxicants.
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  • Rastafarians, however, smoke Cannabis as they believe the Bible says ‘God gave them herb’.
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Elderly and Death

  • Roman Catholics believe in purgatory. This is a process of purification before going to Heaven. Your soul is cleansed of sins, especially if you are not bad enough for eternal hell.
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Elderly and Death

  • Christian can be buried or cremated. Roman Catholics prefer burial as your body will be needed in the afterlife.
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Elderly and Death

Muslims (Islam) and Orthodox Jews, however, believe body and soul will be reunited on Judgement Day.

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Elderly and Death

  • Buddhists see death as the end of life. The person’s karmic (karma) energy moves on to another life. This is rebirth.
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Elderly and Death

  • Buddhists cremate their dead. 
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Elderly and Death

  • Muslims believe the body must be buried within 48 hours.
  • The body must be buried, as it is needed for resurrection on the Day of Judgement.
  • On the Day of Judgement Allah will decide who goes to Paradise and who goes to Hell.
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Elderly and Death

  • Most groups of Christians have stated that they are against active euthanasia (except the Dutch Protestant Church).
  • They believe that God makes life and He is the One to end life too.
  • Humans are made in the ‘Image of God’ and we should not ruin that image.
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Elderly and Death

  • It is a basic Buddhist belief not to harm living things – ahimsa; this rules out euthanasia for many Buddhists.
  • The 1st precept says to avoid taking life. Active euthanasia is taking life.
  • Karma has to be worked through and suffering (in dying) might be part of that karma. Your pain is your karma.
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Elderly and Death

Buddhists believe in hospices like Christians.

Many Buddhist temples look after the dying

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Elderly and Death

A Christian teaching is, “Honour your mother and father”

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Elderly and Death

Buddhists teach that care for the elderly should focus on metta – loving kindness

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Wine is a mocker and beer is a brawler, he who is led astray is not wise - Christian

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Every intoxicant is Khamr and Khamr is haram - Islam

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Alcohol is the mother of all evils - Islam

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Matters of Life

  • The Bible says God ‘closed Hannah’s womb’ (1 Samuel). This suggests infertility is God’s will.
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Matters of Life

  • The doctor shows metta (loving kindness) by helping the infertile couple. - Buddhism
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Matters of Life

Also, the Bible says the ‘body is a temple of the Holt Spirit’, which is protected by transplants.

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Matters of Life

  • Jehovah Witnesses believe the Bible says blood transfusions are wrong. For example, Leviticus says that ‘the life of a creature is in the blood’. Therefore, a transfusion is taking someone else’s blood.
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The Bible says ‘obey the authorities’. - Christians

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  • The Qur’an says “an eye for an eye” like the Bible. - Christian and Islam
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The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on

strictly theraputic grounds, is a grave offence. - Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church

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Justice should be tempered with Mercy - Christianity

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Take not life, which Allah hath made sacred - Islam

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A punishment by way of an example - Christianity (supporting retribution and reformation)

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Matters of Life

Allah fixes the time span of all things - Islam (suggesting that we shouldn't mess with his plan because he has fixed it so)

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Matters of Life

Nor can a soul die except by Allah's leave - Islam

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Matters of Life

Treat with kindness you parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need - Islam

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Matters of Life

Honour your mother and father - Christianity

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Matters of Life

The life is in the blood - Christianity

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Matters of Life

None can be their mothers except those that gave them birth - Islam (quote against designer babies / surrogacy)

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Matters of Life

So God created man in his own image - Christianity (we shouldn't have designer babies etc as the image of all people is in the hands of God)

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Matters of Life

If anyone had saved life it would be as if they had saved the whole of mankind - Islam

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Elderly and Death

"God made us, we are all unique and special, only God can take our life away."

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