Refugees and Asylum Seekers 2 - Facts, Figures and Historical Examples

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 10-12-17 15:24
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  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers 2 - Facts, Figures and Historical Examples
    • The UN's Refugee Agency estimates nearly nine in ten of the world's refugees are sheltered by developing countries
      • e.g. in a two week period in 2016, Uganda offered refuge to more people than Britain did all year
    • Asylum applications in UK decreased by 25% to 27,316 in year ending June 2017
    • Top 3 countries of origin of people applying for asylum in Britain in twelve months to June 2017 were:
      • Iran
      • Pakistan
      • Iraq
    • Unlike most European countries, UK has no time limit on length of time someone can be detained
      • At end of June 2017, 271 people have been locked up for longer than 6 months, purely for immigration reasons
    • At end of June, 38,954 asylum seekers and their dependents were being supported by Government
      • This figure is below figure for end of 2003 when there were 80,123 asylum seekers being supported
      • People have no say in where they live and are often left to survive on around £5 a day
    • Historical examples
      • Greeks fleeing the Destruction of Psara in 1824
      • Refugees from Herzegovina as a result of the Herzgovina Uprising (1875-77)
      • One million Armenians fled Turkey between 1915 and 1923 to escape persecution and genocide
      • Spanish children left Spain during the Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939
      • Syria
      • Rohingya and Myanmar


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