AS Physics - Particles and Radiation: Quarks and Leptons

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  • Quarks and Leptons
    • The Particle Zoo
      • Space Invaders
      • Journey into the Atom (Part 4): An Unusual Prediction
      • A Strange Puzzle
      • About Accelerators
    • Particle Sorting
      • Classifying Particles and Antiparticles
      • Energy Matters
      • Baryons and Mesons
    • Leptons at Work
      • Lepton Collisions
      • Neutrino Types
      • Journey into the Atom (Part 5): The Future of the Universe?
      • Lepton Rules
    • Quarks and Antiquarks
      • Strangeness
      • Journey into the Atom (Part 6): Predictions and Observations
      • The Quark Model
      • Quark Combinations
      • Quarks and Beta Decay
    • Conservation Rules
      • Particles and Properties
      • Are Baryons and Mesons Conserved?
      • Journey into the Atom (Part 7): Big Questions


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