quality assurence

  • Created by: geogt002
  • Created on: 06-06-16 11:58
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  • quality control review
    • why is it important?
      • poor quality could damage af brand and reputation. this can lead to having to lower the selling price to reflect customers perception of poor quality.
      • poor quality leads to products being returned and this means that refunds have to be given. this means that a cost ad been incurred but no revenue had been received.
      • af will lose contracts with their retailers if the quality of their products falls below expectations.
    • quality control
      • quality control- inspecting quality at the end of the production process. this is the method that af currently use. it invloves checking a sample of finshed products at the end of the production process before they are sent out to retaliers.
      • benefits-  defects on some products can be detected before they go to the retailer, preventing returns or reputation being damaged on the products checked. there is very little employee involvement allowing them to concentrate on productivity rather than quality.
      • drawbacks-  the quality control team can only sample a small number of products. this means they could miss hundreds of faulty products before they leave the factory. workers take no ownership of quality. extra workers have to employed to check the quality of other workers.defects are only detected at the end of the production process meaning time and resources are wasted continuing with a product that will be rejected at the end.
    • quality assurance
      • this means building quality checks into every stage of production processes.
      • this process makes it every worker's responsibility to ensure good quality. this method is built around the philosophy of preventing poor quality rather than checking poor quality.
      • benefits- less waste, quality is checked throughout the production process so problems are spotted earlier. motivation and empowerment of staff as they are trusted to motivate their own quality.especially as af have specialised staff that would be capable too. it is also cheaper as although workers productivity may not be as high (as they are focusing on better quality, IT MEANS THEY MAKE FEWER MISTAKES AND ADDITIONAL STAFF DO NOT NEED TO BE EMPLOYED TO CHECK QUALITY.
      • limitations... staff need training to be able to monitor and assure quality production. this takes time and costs money. some staff might not do the quality assurance. this can lead to staff not adducting good quality which could lead to poor quality products leaving the factory as no quality control team would be in place.
    • what is best to IMPROVE for af? in order to improve quality af must use quality assurance. quality control means to check quality whereas quality assurance puts emphasis on everybody improving their quality, therefore empowering the standard of their output. in addition af employ highly skilled staff so given the right tring they should buy into the culture and have the necessary skill to improve the quality of the products. finally af need to cut their costs so empowering staff to check their own quality rather than employing and paying other staff will help to cut costs and return to profit.
    • how can af ensure that it works... in order to embed a culture where workers are empowered to monitor their own quality firms should adopt the 'total quality management' approach. this is where af embed a ethos throughout the company. the should start at the top with phillip and there should be a process of evrey  training session and the day to day running of the business.
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