The processor and it's components

  • Created by: Jordan64
  • Created on: 22-08-17 15:46
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  • Processor: device that carries out computation by following instructions, in order to produce an output
    • Arithmetic Logic Unit: Performs logical & arithmetic operations on data
      • Arithmetic(signed bit patterns) and logic shift(unsigned bit patterns) on instructions within a register
      • Performs logical operations such as AND, XOR, OR, NOT
    • Control Unit (CU): Directs and controls operation of the processor
      • takes an instruction and decodes it into opcode and operands.
      • manages the execution of the decoded instructions, fetches data from location and stores the result in memory or registers.
    • Clock: Used to synchronise operations of the CPU
      • It generates series of signals of alternating 0 and 1.
      • The CPU takes at least one cycle of time (from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0) to perform one instruction.
    • (General-Purpose) registers: fast, small memory to hold data and instructions before and after being processed by the CPU
      • Some have one G-P R, called an accumulator (stores arithmetic and logic results for the ALU)
    • Program Counter (PC): special purpose register holding address of next instruction
    • Current Instruction Register(CIR or IR): holds the currently being executed instruction.
    • Memory Address Register(MAR): holds the memory address to be fetched from or written to.
    • Memory Buffer Register(MBR)(or Memory Data Register(MDR)), holds the data fetched from or written to memory.
    • status register(SR): holds the bits to indicate the results of the execution of an instruction, such as overflow, negative, zero or carry over.


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