Germany under Bismarck 1871-90

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  • Germany under Bismark 1871-90
    • Domestic
      • Maintain conservative Germanic (Prussian) nationalism.
        • 'Germanizatiogovernment tried to 'germanize' states national minorities. Especially ruthless towards Poles.
        • Kulturkampf 1871, felt since population expanded and one 1/3 Catholicism growing threat. Especially as party became largest in Reichstag
          • Many Bishops and Priests exiled, 1872 Jesuits exiled, 1873 May Laws- curtailed disciplinary powers of church, all religious appointments subject to state approval.1875 civil ceremonies required for weddings.
            • Kulturkampf stopped in 1878, Bismarck alarmed as secularists and socialists use to attack all religion. Also needed Catholic Centre Party votes in battle against Socialism.
        • Socialism growing among working classes, unhappy with falling living standards. Worried Bismark
          • 1878- Anti-Socialist Laws. Meetings forbidden, leaders arrested. But socialists ran as independent candidates, support continued to grow.
            • So in 1880's created social insurance programs. old age pensions, accident insurance, medical care and unemploymen insurance!
              • Won support of industry, gained support of workers and reduced emigration rates to America. And won support of Centre Party.
    • Foreign relations
      • Keep France isolated to avoid war on two fronts, improve general diplomatic relations.
        • Russia
          • 1873- Dreikaiserbun League of three emperors.
            • Austria
              • Dual alliance 1879
              • Triple alliance 1882 (with Italy) Also made Mediterranea agreement/
                • Britain pleased as limited Russian expansionism
          • 1978- Treaty of Berlin. After Russia's victory over Ottoman Empire
            • Bismarck and other European leaders worried by growth of Russian influence. Strained relations.
          • Relations strained due to German protectionist trade policies.
            • Dreikaiserbun fell apart.
              • Bismarck and other European leaders worried by growth of Russian influence. Strained relations.
              • So to avoid encirclement, Bismarck made  Reinsurance Treaty of 1887 (wouldn't go to war unless G. attacked France or R. attacked Austria)
        • Austria
          • Dual alliance 1879
          • Triple alliance 1882 (with Italy) Also made Mediterranea agreement/
            • Britain pleased as limited Russian expansionism
        • Colonialism
      • Was against colonialism, viewed as economic drain and pointless antagonism. But under public and elite pressure, did expand empire a bit in Africa.
    • Economic
      • Alsace-Lorraine is Europe’s largest Iron Ore Deposits+ French indemnity payments= Boom in Germany's economy.
        • Banks provide capital for new railways (double in number), electricity, chemicals etc.
        • National currency introduced Reich bank created Standardisati
      • Bismark wanted to manage economy, to maintain economic growth and expand strength
        • 1873- Long depression in Europe and America. Downturn hit the German economy
          • 1879- to aid faltering industries instead of free trade Bismark uses established protectionist tariffs (taxes on imports protecting German agriculture and industry from foreign competitors)
          • Banks and larger businesses survived the crisis – industrializati and urbanization  continued to increase
            • But Liberals displeased by Protectionist policies.
    • Political
      • Very conservative, leading positions nearly always held by Prussian junker (elite)
      • Control the Reichstag
    • Military
      • 80% of federal expenditure on army
      • Army essentially Prussian all loyal to Prussian Kaiser


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