Physical attributes and the Matching Hypothesis 

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  • Physical attributes and the Matching Hypothesis
    • Support for physical attractiveness: objective ratings of wives' attractiveness positively related to levels of husbands' satisfaction
    • Study of married couples: if one partner decreased in attractiveness more than the other, it often led to marital problems
    • Differences in taste between men and women may not predict behaviour, study found actual preferences were based on individual characteristics in speed dating
    • Blind Date Study: findings did not support the matching hypothesis as Ps responded more positively to Ps more attractive than them, and other factors did not affect their liking of their dates
      • Methodological Flaws: attractiveness ratings were made in a few seconds + subjective, also lacked ecological validity as no chance to talk and did not pick own dates
        • Follow Up Study: Ps were allowed to choose their dates and findings did support matching hypothesis + ecological validity
    • Reductionist: matching hypothesis too simplistic


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