Design Argument - William Paley

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  • Design Qua Purpose
    • Parts of the universe as well as within it appear to work for a specifc purpose
    • Definition ''designed for a purpose''
    • Paley's Design Argument
      • Design Qua Regularity
        • Definition ''The world works according to some order''
        • All the planets in our solar system orbit the sun. This is a specific order which shows the regularity of the universe.
        • Examples of regularity in the universe: bees, photosynthesis, food chains.
      • Proof of God's Existence
        • Definition 'sufficient evidence of a proposition
        • The design argument  can be cited as proof of God's existence as Paley cites God as the 'designer'
        • It can be stated that the design of the universe can only have been done by someone who has the characteristics of the theist God.
        • Seen as the universe is so complex and intricately designed,it would take an all-powerful and all-knowing designer. The theist God possess these characteritics,
      • Criticism
        • The design argument was also criticized by Immanuel Kant.
        • Hume'states that we are not justified in saying that because effects of the universe and human objects that means their causes must also be similar. He sees this as casual explanation and based on this we can make any fanciful explanation we wish.
        • He also argues that because we have no experience of the origins of the earth, we cannot say anything about the origins of the earth.
        • Hume's argues the uniqueness of the universe. Stating that analogies cannot be made between the universe and man-made objects
        • Empiricist David Hume's criticized the design argument 23 years before  Paley's 'Natural Theology'
        • In Hume's Book 'Dialogues concerning natural Relgion'. He questions the validity of the idesign argument .
        • He stated 'This proof truth deserves to be treated with respect, for it is the oldest, the clearest and the most accordant with the common treason of mankind'
    • Paley: ''Just as a watch has a watch maker, we must say that the world has a worldmaker
    • The human is a complex piece of machinery . It works wonderfully to fulfill its purpose.
  • Proof of God's Existence
    • Definition 'sufficient evidence of a proposition
    • The design argument  can be cited as proof of God's existence as Paley cites God as the 'designer'
    • It can be stated that the design of the universe can only have been done by someone who has the characteristics of the theist God.
    • Seen as the universe is so complex and intricately designed,it would take an all-powerful and all-knowing designer. The theist God possess these characteritics,
  • Criticism
    • The design argument was also criticized by Immanuel Kant.
    • Hume'states that we are not justified in saying that because effects of the universe and human objects that means their causes must also be similar. He sees this as casual explanation and based on this we can make any fanciful explanation we wish.
    • He also argues that because we have no experience of the origins of the earth, we cannot say anything about the origins of the earth.
    • Hume's argues the uniqueness of the universe. Stating that analogies cannot be made between the universe and man-made objects
    • Empiricist David Hume's criticized the design argument 23 years before  Paley's 'Natural Theology'
    • In Hume's Book 'Dialogues concerning natural Relgion'. He questions the validity of the idesign argument .
    • He stated 'This proof truth deserves to be treated with respect, for it is the oldest, the clearest and the most accordant with the common treason of mankind'


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