Othello possible questions

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  • Othello
    • Othello and Iago
      • O&I's relationship is based on jealousy and misplaced trust which serves as a catalyst for the tragic ending
    • Love/Marriage
      • Shakespeare uses love to highlight social prejudice regarding gender, ethnicity and class.
    • Cassio
      • Shakespeare uses C as a device for conflict in D&O's marriage, and as an archetype for traditional masculine attitudes in the 1600s.
    • Identity
      • Shakespeare presents identities as being directly linked to ones social group, and those who try to escape this disrupt natural order, leading to insecurity and tragedy.
    • Emilia
      • E is a device to used to examine the role of women in Venetian society. Shakespeare also uses her as a dramatic device.
    • Reputation
      • Shakespeare presents reputation as a significant concern of the men in the play, while women tend to be more concerned about how there husbands viewed them than wider society.
    • Imagery
      • Shakespeare uses imagery to portray the disruption of natural, in regards to race and morality.
    • Honour
    • Different Varieties of language
    • Masculinity
    • Jealousy
    • Desdemona and Emilia
    • Corruption
    • Setting
    • Women
    • Social Prejudice
    • Race




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