NRM's and Religious Organisations

  • Created by: BWards18
  • Created on: 26-05-17 12:35
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  • NRMS's and Religious Organisations
    • Key Terms
      • CHURCH - Institutional religion known as the main religion of a society associated with the state
      • SECT - Small, exclusive group with a charismatic leader appealing often to the poor
      • DENOMINATION - A splinter group from the established church religion
      • CULT - Least organised, informal, highly individualistic, loose knit, small group with no defined beliefs
        • Want to move forward not backwards, e.g. Scientology
    • Wallis - 3 types of NRMS
      • World Affirming NRM's - Offer followers access to spiritual powers and accept the world as it is
        • Promise followers success in mainstream goals, non-exclusive and tolerant of other religions
        • E.g. Church of Scientology
        • More likely to attract middle class, married as they seek spirituality in a rational world
      • World Accomadating NRM's - Breakaways from mainstream religious groups
        • Focus on religion rather than worldly matters, e.g. Neo Pentecostalists
      • World Rejecting NRM's - Critical of the outside world and seek radical change
        • Members make a sharp break from former life, Conservative views
        • E.g. Moonies and Peoples Temple
        • Attract young people as they have no adult commitments
      • Criticisms - Ignore diversity within NRM's as many wouldn't just be one type
    • Why have NRM's grown?
      • Marginality - Sects tend to appeal to the oppressed and poor
        • WEBER - Sects offer a solution to the disprivileged,they offer an justification for their suffering
      • Relative Deprivation - M/C feel spiritually deprived but materially well off
        • World Rejecting NRM's - Appeal to W/C
        • World Affirming/Acommodating - Appeal to M/C, bring further success
      • Social Change -WILSON - periods of rapid social change produces anomie and normlessness and sects are the solution
        • BRUCE - Sects grow as a response to modernisation and secularisation
      • Pragmatic Moves - practical reasons, happier life
      • Spiritual void - science not answering questions
    • Do sects last?
      • NEIBUHR - Secs are short-lived and that within a generation they often die out or compromise with the world
        • Reason 1: The second generation - People born into sects don't have the same commitment their parents had
        • Reason 2: The Protestant Ethic - Compromise with the world due to their work and saving ethic
        • Reason 3: Death of the leader - Remain on charismatic leaders so when they die it collapses
      • STARK and BAINBRIDGE- The Sectarian Cycle stating sects go through a constant cycle
        • 1st Stage - Schism - Break away from the church due to tension
        • 2nd Stage - Initial Fervour - Charismatic leader creates tension with sect and society
        • 3rd Stage - Denominationalism - Protestant Ethic effect
        • 4th Stage. - Establishment - Sect becomes world accepting
        • 5th Stage - Further Schism - New sects from due to tension between classes
      • WILSON - Sects survival depends on what they think 'saves them' and many have lasted through the years


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