Nature In Storm on the Island

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  • Nature in Storm on the Island
    • "The wizened Earth has never troubled us with as you see, there are no stacks or stocks that can be lost"
      • wizened (adjective) - shrivelled or wrinkled with age.
      • The landscape described, is itself not rich or futile- it is an omega existent.
        • People living here are living in poverty, they are scratching a living from the land.
          • Poverty is a huge part of Ireland's history, some poverty can be politically imposed.
      • These people are used to storms and conflict, they accept the overwhelming power of nature.
      • When storms hit the landscape, the people are shocked as they don't lose everything. Instead they are shocked from the hard aspect of life that is part of their day-to-day struggle.
      • The landscape describes is exposed, one that is constantly at the threat of destruction by storms and conflict. Consequently, the people are prepared for the destruction.
    • Power of nature
      • The power of nature can obliterate cities through its powerful storms.
      • This can be comparable to how war and conflict can destroy land and cities just like how nature can be destructive.
    • "can raise a tragic chorus in a gale"
      • A tragic chorus is a classical theatre feature, it is when the fate of the character is revealed at the start of the play.
      • The quote is talking about the audio quality of the wind passing through the trees at a high pitch sound.
      • Tragic reffers to something realted to great pain and sorrow, therfore teh sound of wind is comparable to the sound of mourning of loved ones.
        • It could also refer to a loss of peace/ tranquillity; the peace that the Island initially originated from has now disappeared.
      • Links to the feature of classical theatre, the idea the inevitability of the storms and the destructive power of conflict.
      • The curse of war is that it remains constant throughout history, it stretches back to the beginning if human life and will continue to date forward into our long-term/ mediate future.
      • War and conflict is equally inevitable as nature.
    • "the flung spray hits, the very windows, spits like a tame cat turned savage."
      • This describes the "spray" of the ocean, it is a use of a simile to describe the nature of storm itself.
        • The use of the comparative vehicle of a docile/domesticated animal suddenly unleashing its instinctive and wild side relates to nature and war but also human nature and cats.
      • The sea is being comapres to a "tame cat", one that is domesticated and calm, to one that is "savage" and therefore wild and dangerous.
      • The cat itself even though it is "tamed" it always has this dangerous, wild edge lurking somewhere within it; it is written in its DNA. Cats bring in dead animals, and this is part of their nature, it is hardwired and programmed into their brains.
      • Storms are part of nature, you can't have tranquillity without the clap of thunder/ the flash of lightning/ the driving rain. These two elements interconnect.
      • Conflict erupt overnight, on the island there were previously peaceful scene until it was in under extreme violence.
        • war can be something very personal. It can be close to home.


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