Ozymandias vs Storm on the Island


Ozymandias vs Storm on the Island


  • Both discuss the power of nature
  • Man is presented as erroneously believing he has control over nature
  • Both explore how nature is superior to man as it is eternal so nature will always be the victor


  • Ozymandias presents the theme of power of authority and the impact of avarice.
  • Storm on the Island explores the impact of the ' The Troubles' ( Northern Ireland territorial conflict) by using the extended metaphor of the 'Storm'.

Overall comparison

Both explore the power of nature and the tension between humans and nature. However, Ozymandias talks more about the consequence of neglecting those less fortunate than ourselves- you become forgotten and unidentifiable. Storm on the Island, mirrors the political situation in Northern Ireland and how this political 'Storm' impacted the people who lived there.


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