Natural Law

  • Created by: Ayesha4aw
  • Created on: 27-12-16 15:04
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  • Natural Law
    • Aquinas
      • telos=final purpose
      • purpose of humanity
        • eudaimoinc/ flourishing/ happiness
      • interior acts
        • motives
      • exterior acts
        • acts itself
    • 4 types of law
      • Eternal: God's mind
      • Divine: Bible revelation
      • Natural: purpose in revelaion
      • Human: laws in practice
    • Primary Precepts
      • Preservation of life
      • Order in society
      • Worship
      • Educating young
      • Reproduction (in marriage)
    • Secondary Precepts
      • Real human law
        • e.g. wearing a seat belt
    • Synderesis
      • 'Do good and avoid evil.'
        • Apparent Good
        • Real Good
    • Doctrine of double effect
      • When you do something good that might have an unintended bad side effect.


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