
  • Created by: maisieclr
  • Created on: 09-06-22 09:53
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  • Nanofibres
    • what are they?
      • a polymer membrane formed by electro- spinning. this polymer is dissolved in a solution which evaporates to form the fibre.
    • advantages
      • high surface-area-to-volume ratio
        • mass production is easily achievable- making it suitable for industrial production and commercial applications
      • wide variety of polymers and materials can be used to form nano fibres
      • ease of fibre functionalisation- can be achieved by blending the polymer solution either pre or post spinning.
      • ease of material combination- different materials can be easily mixed together for spinning into fibres
      • relatively low start up cost
        • variety of nanofibrious structures can be constructed
    • medical textiles
      • wound healing- nano fibres allow liquids and gasses to pass through dressing while still keeping bacterial away.
        • anti-adhesion properties- post-surgical tissue adhesion of internal organs. nano fibres have the ability to dissolve into the body without causing toxicity.
        • nano-fibres used for tissue re-engineering are biodegradable.
      • tissue engineering- effective scaffold as most human organs are made up of nano fibre-like structures. they can be used to create a 3D model so cells can grow and attach to it.
    • sportswear
      • popular to replace breathable membranes in high-end performance sportswear. potential to create a waterproof fabric with a level of breathability
        • nano socks treated with silver particles to act against infection and odour
          • nanofibre shark ski. used for swimwear. incorporates plasma layer enhanced by nano-technology to repel water and help the user glide through the water
            • nano sensors provide personalised healthcare system- monitoring vital signs as you run up a hill or respond to changes in the weather.
      • carbon nanofibres- increase thermal comfort of garments. useful for skiwear. high tensile strength and insulating properties combined with light weigh properties make it comfortable and protective.
    • fashion industry
      • stain-repellent and wrinkle-resistant threads are woven into fabrics
        • silver can be added in the form of nanoparticleson the surface to reduce bacterial growth
      • UV nano absorbers- ensure that textiles can deflect the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. reduces UV exposure and protects skin fro potential damage
        • self-cleaning fabrics- created by wrapping original fibre in minute whiskers using nanotechniques. the whiskers trap air creating a hydrophobic surface when in contact with water. allows dirt to be captured in beds of water which then roll of the surface
    • military
      • protection against gas and chemicals- nano fibres sensitive to chemicals and will absorb and decompose the chemical agents.
      • nano fibres can be used as water filters (also applicable to Geotextiles)
        • nano fibres can switch from breathable state to protective in response to environmental threats. In protective state the material will block chemical threat while maintaining breathability level.
          • nanotube fibres can be used to make a material 17 times tougher than Kevlar
        • silver nanoparticlesused to minimise bacterial growth and decrease odour


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