modifying schizophrenia- CBT

  • Created by: Elyseee
  • Created on: 01-02-21 14:48
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  • CBT
    • Engagement strategies
      • Preliminary sessions used to provide opportunity to talk at length about potential worries and and symptoms of particular concern
      • Therapist tries to develop rapport with client - important because clients might have had negative experiences with past therapists or psychiatric services, or because client may be experiencing elevated paranoia as a result of their illness
      • Therapist and client will discuss ‘natural coping strategies’ client is using to manage symptoms - allows client to appreciate their role in their symptoms
    • Psycho-education
      • Decatastrophize and normalises experience of psychotic symptoms, offers alternative explanations of client’s experiences
      • Client increases  their understanding of the context their symptoms occur in
      • Therapist can assess the client’s understanding of their symptoms and illness
    • Behavioural skills training
      • Relaxation, activity scheduling, distraction and problem solving
      • Useful for coping with residual symptoms not managed by medication, and also secondary symptoms of anxiety or depression
      • Problem solving has several steps 1- identify/define problem, 2- generate potential solutions, 3- evaluate a;ternatives, 4- decide on solution, 5- evaluate outcome
    • Relapse prevention strategies
      • Identify early indicators of relapse - include identifying thoughts, behaviours and feelings experienced before becoming unwell
      • Client asked to assess how they get on with others and what significant others may have noticed about them before they become unwell
      • Client and therapist develop plans that could be employed  when indicators are observed - includes what client would say to family/friends, what their support options are and what they can do to help themselves
    • irrational thinking
      • Techniques primarily help with positive symptoms eg) hallucinations and delusions, also effective in making client more self reliant when dealing with their illness because they have the task of challenging their perceptions
      • Major symptom of schizophrenia is disordered thinking
      • Purpose of cbt is to help individuals consider and organise disordered thoughts in a rational way
      • Cbt helps make client aware of the connections between disordered thoughts and and their illness
      • Challenges interpretations of events by asking them to discuss evidence for their beliefs


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