Comparing Anti psychotics and CBT (methods of modifying schizophrenia).


One shared strength of both CBT and Antispychotics is that they both allows patients to live outside mental instituations and be cared for in the community. CBT provides patients with startegies in order to be able to control thier symptoms for example behavioural strategies or cognitive strategies. By providing patients with these startegies they are able to be rationale and figure out ways of coping and overcoming the symptoms they are receiving. Antipsychotics also allow individuals to live independently and live relativley normal lives by providing them with drugs to help their symptoms to be less severe. Both methods of modifying behvaiour are beneficial to society as they are decreasing the costs spent on inpatient time and the cost for treatment is also reduced. 

On the other hand, a shared weakness of both methods of modifying behaviour is that they do not get to the root cause of schiophrenia and are only treating the symptoms and can be argued that these methods are only effective in the short…


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