Medical Doctors

  • Created by: Strelly22
  • Created on: 06-04-19 12:22
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  • Medical Doctors
    • Hippocrates
      • Theory of the 4 humours
      • Hippocratic Oath
      • Clinical Observation
    • Galen
      • Theory of Opposites
      • Based off Hippocrates
      • His influence
        • Influence of the Church
          • Fits in with the church so they backed his ideas
          • They controlled what people learned so people learnt about Galen's ideas
        • Lack of alternatives
          • Dissections were illegal
          • Occasional dissection of executed criminals
        • Importance of book learning
          • If you read Galen/ Hippocrates were worthy doctor
          • If you read, you were intelligent
          • His books were still believed, even if contradict evidence
    • Sydenham
      • Ideas
        • Organise disease into categories
        • Nature of disease little to do with disease
      • Importance
        • Move medicine away from Galen
        • Observes symptoms and treat disease causing them
      • Observe symptoms and treat symptoms
    • Vesalius
      • Galen's mistakes
        • Jaw
        • Liver
        • Ribs
        • Sternum
        • Vena Cava
      • Legacy
        • Laid foundation to investigate anatomy
        • Detailed drawings
        • Encourage dissections
      • Publications
        • 1537
          • 6 anatomical tables
        • 1543
          • On the fabric of the human body
    • Harvey
      • Blood circulated around the body
      • His research
        • Pump
        • Dissect bodies
        • Disprove Galen's theory
      • Discovering the circulation of the blood
        • Criticised Galen
        • Dissected bodies
        • Prove heart was PUMP
      • Life
        • Doctor for James I
        • Do public dissections
        • Study Cambridge/ Padua


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