Korea - MacArthur's dismissal

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 04-04-17 13:10
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  • MacArthur's Dismissal
    • Underestimated China
      • Overconfident Ch would never interfere in K then mismanaged their onslaught
      • Ridgway worried about all-out war with China - MacArthur ignored him
      • Ch momentum from gaining territory
    • Asia-Firster
      • His power and prestige in Asia highlighted importance of preventing Communism there
      • MacArthur criticized Truman's wartime policies and being too focused on Europe
      • Arguments between MacArthur and Truman over strategic importance of Asia v. Europe
    • Wanted to use atomic weapons?
      • General Curtis Le May supported MacArthur's opinion
      • Insisted in vain
      • Complained he was having to fight with 'an enormous handicap...without precedent in military history' when denied permission to bomb Chinese territory
    • Wanted to unleash Jiang
      • Wanted to use Jiang's forces but Washington did not want to crank up war with China
      • Jiang's army had already been bested by Mao's in Chinese Civil War
      • Ignored Ridgway  and wanted to use Jiang's forces against Ch and Korea
    • Ridgway showed how it was done
      • Ridgway worried about all-out war with Ch (MacArthur ignored him)
      • Willing to challenge MacArthur
      • Ch onslaught - morale of men affected
      • He was liked by the troops
      • Not afraid to remove inept officers
      • Excellent military tactician
      • Used tanks and artillery effectively
      • Operation Killer - To inflict morale damaging losses against Ch + K
    • Two final acts of insubordination
      • Communique
        • Publicly insulted Ch
        • Sabotaged Truman's plan
        • Truman very angry
      • Spring 1951
        • Sent letter to Republican Congressman which opposed Truman's Doctrine of Containment
        • Violated directive to obtain clearance before commenting on war
    • JCS supported President
      • Joint Chief of Staff fully supported Truman and publically against MacArthur
      • May 1951, Congressional hearing on war empasised JCS support
    • Wanted more troops
      • No more troops available in US or other UN nations


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