Learning Disabilities P1

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  • Learning Disabilities
    • Age range
      • Diagnosis's for learning disabilities are often done at an early age
      • Learning disabilities can affect people throughout their lives
      • Some diagnosis's aren't made until teenage years or even adulthood
      • Learning disabilities can be different for everyone
      • There are a range of learning disabilities
      • Learning disabilities can be caused by a rang of things in early childhood or during the mothers pregnancy
      • There are some health conditions that may mean there is a higher risk of having learning disabilities
    • Treatments
      • There is no cue for learning disabilities
      • Early intervention can lessen the effects
      • If left untreated it can cause low self-esteem, mental health, and behavioural problems
      • Special education services
        • Free special education support to children with disabilities
          • Children to be taught in the most appropriate environment for them
        • Ensures that the teachers should meet the child's needs and skills
      • Therapies
        • Mental health therapies
        • Play therapies
        • Interventions
        • These are to prevent the problems in their emotional and social development
      • Speech and language therapies may be beneficial
      • Plans should be put into place from birth to 25 years old
      • Needs assessments can address the support or therapies someone may need
    • Health and social care staff involved in care
      • Learning disabilities nurses
        • Specialist nurses
      • GPs
      • Support workers
      • Domiciliary care assistants
      • Social worker
      • Advocate
      • Behavioural counsellors/ therapists
      • Charities
        • Mind
      • Midwife - scans and monitoring the mothers health during pregnancy


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