Piaget 's model


Piaget 's model


  • Shows that children think differently to adults
  • Backs up model by mentioning different types of thinking e.g. egocentric thinking
  • Shows four main stages of cognitive development, with valid explanations
  • Mentions  the notion that children go through a series of intellectual development (or schemas, as he referred to them as)
  • Uses key terms to back up what he says in his model


  • Doesn't take into account a child's upbringing
  • Doesn't consider that children learn at different rates
  • Doesn't take learning disabilities into consideration
  • Based on a small number of children
  • Both under and over estimates children's cognitive abilities
  • Doesn't consider that with adult support, children can be developed to progress to higher level thinking skills
  • Doesn't consider the quality of a child's informal and formal education


Piaget's model, which focuses on how children acquire the ability to think, has both good and bad points. Piaget shows the four main stages of cognitive development, showing that children think differently to adults until they reach a certain age, and backs this up by using key terms. However, he doesn't consider some important factors, such as if the child has a learning disability or that adult support can help and develop children's progression. He also bases it on a small number of children. In conclusion, the model is mostly good as Piaget uses evidence to back points up, however it could be improved by considering factors such as learning disabilities.


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