Late Modern Language Change (20/21st Century)

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  • 20-21st Century English Language Change
    • Technology
      • T.V - 1927 - led to the corruption of accents while RP was introduced.
      • Texts/Mobiles - 1992 -   Argued to have brought about the more informal way of speaking, "text speak."
        • Acronyms 'LOL', Abbreviations, emoticons. (Need, ease, fashion)
      • 1990 - WWW - changes to spelling, emails, abbreviations (Americanisation).
        • Spell check launched - 1981.
    • Historical Events
      • 'Hippie' era 1960s - informal language use, colloquial and Americanised.
      • Cultural changes - less discrimination againsts certain groups (gender, race, sexuality). Affects grammatical choices and register.
        • 1955 -  Black Civil Rights Movement in America. Fading of politically incorrect words. Some used taboo deliberately to rebel.
      • Neologisms - occupation + technological changes have spawned new words.
    • Immigration
      • Globalisation - the language used in the British Empire became dominant.  English become extensively borrowed to accommodate new foods/experiences. Now a world language.
      • Introduction of American RAP music - continued Americanisation
      • Invention of railways and cars - people began to travel more around Britain, regional dialects weren't as self-contained and therefore became diluted.
    • Religion
      • Decline of  religion in 21st century. Less censorship. Blasphemy becomes more acceptable.
      • Catholic vs. Protestant - tension still present between the churches from Henry 8th; to the extent that it was still affecting education in the 1970s.
  • Media
    • 20-21st Century English Language Change
      • Technology
        • T.V - 1927 - led to the corruption of accents while RP was introduced.
        • Texts/Mobiles - 1992 -   Argued to have brought about the more informal way of speaking, "text speak."
          • Acronyms 'LOL', Abbreviations, emoticons. (Need, ease, fashion)
        • 1990 - WWW - changes to spelling, emails, abbreviations (Americanisation).
          • Spell check launched - 1981.
      • Historical Events
        • 'Hippie' era 1960s - informal language use, colloquial and Americanised.
        • Cultural changes - less discrimination againsts certain groups (gender, race, sexuality). Affects grammatical choices and register.
          • 1955 -  Black Civil Rights Movement in America. Fading of politically incorrect words. Some used taboo deliberately to rebel.
        • Neologisms - occupation + technological changes have spawned new words.
      • Immigration
        • Globalisation - the language used in the British Empire became dominant.  English become extensively borrowed to accommodate new foods/experiences. Now a world language.
        • Introduction of American RAP music - continued Americanisation
        • Invention of railways and cars - people began to travel more around Britain, regional dialects weren't as self-contained and therefore became diluted.
      • Religion
        • Decline of  religion in 21st century. Less censorship. Blasphemy becomes more acceptable.
        • Catholic vs. Protestant - tension still present between the churches from Henry 8th; to the extent that it was still affecting education in the 1970s.
    • More casual, colloquial register has evolved as media styles have become less formal. New lexis often introduced (e.g. WAG).
    • Popularisation of Reality TV - broadcast the idiolect/dialect of certain areas that previously didn't cross over often, such as TOWIE in Essex influencing language use through colloquial slang 'jel', 'reem', 'shuttuup'.
    • Blogs -  became popular in 1997 - daily updates from anybody. More personal language, informal register.
    • Popularity of tabloids - informal lexical choices. Hyperbole, abbreviations and sensationalism.
  • Education
    • 1918 - School leaving age rasied to 14 and education continues to standardise.
    • 1970s - Women had more rounded education,more opportunities for women, more female literature and journalism - less male orientated.


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