Lanuage and Occupation

  • Created by: Ethan1291
  • Created on: 28-02-18 10:30
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  • Language and Occupation
    • Lexis
      • Does the text use jargon?
      • Does the text belong to a specific semantic field?
      • How does the lexis impact on the interaction taking place?
      • Is the lexis used to codify or exclude?
    • Syntax
      • Is the syntax paratactic (simple and compound sentences?)
      • Is the syntax hypotactic (complex sentences & heavily modified subjects / objects)?
      • Is there heavy parenthesis (information included for the purpose of adding information)?
      • Does the text rely on anaphora / cataphora?
    • Grammar
      • What types of nouns are used in the text?
      • What other types of verbs are used in the text?
      • What effect does it have on the reader?
      • What impression do they create about the actions and behaviours of the writer?
      • How does this impact the tone of the text?
    • Pragmatics
      • How do people in positions of power use language to coerce their subordinates into agreeing with them?
      • How do organisations use language to obtain the consent of consumers - whether it is in terms of purchasing products, or paying higher gas bills


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