Language and Occupation

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  • Language and Occupation
    • Acronyms
      • e.g. GCSE
      • Specific acronyms that belong to occupation
      • Speeds up process in high stress jobs
    • Giles Accomodation Theory (1973)
      • Convergence
        • Used to relate to people
        • e.g. simplifying language to a lower position worker
        • e.g. using jarogn with boss
      • Divergence
        • Used to distance themselves
        • e.g. not using specific words to avoid association with a particular social group
        • Cheshire
          • Children who approved of behaviour used non-standard features
    • Occupational Register
      • Every occupation has its own lexicon
      • Sometimes used widely but originated in that specific field
      • Lexicon changes depending on who is speaking (convergence/divergence)
    • Discourse Structure
      • Grammatical structure only familiar to a specific occupation
      • e.g. prescription only familiar to doctor
    • Discourse Community (Swales, 2011)
      • Members of a specific community who share a set of common goals, use specialist lexis and discourse
      • Have to possess a required level if knowledge and skill to be considered eligible to join community
    • Inferential Frameworks (Drew and Heritage 1993)
      • Implicit ways of thinking communicating and behaving
      • There are strong hierarchies of power with asymetrical relationships marked through language use


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