lake district - rural - case study

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    • ISSUE 1
      • lack of affordable housing
        • national park restircts access for new builds
        • local residents are restricted to retail jobs in area - as some cant commute to city for a better job
        • eg. Ambleside - £300,000 family house - those working in retail will struggle to buy/rent
          • these areas threshold pop may decrease if those people migrate to nearly towns (Kendal) for a better job
        • 50-50 ownership
        • local occupancy clause - houses only sold if you've been resident there for 3 years
        • build more council houses
    • ISSUE 2
      • loss of services
        • ambleside lost its P.O and 2 banks
        • Hawkshead - lost its local GP practice as it ran a £30,000 deficit
        • Elterwater - lost their PO and local shop and little locals are employed in
        • reduction in bus services - increasing rural isolation
        • SOLUTIONS
          • a large polyclinic in Windermere has opened
            • however, elderly would need transport, without it will lead to rural isolation
          • commuting buses and a 'ring and ride' system
            • however, this relies on the good will of volenteers
    • ISSUE 3
      • Environmental damage
        • footpath erosion
          • around 4 miklion people walk 6km of the fells a year
          • damage to soils and plants
          • worst in honeypots areas - Wansfell
        • parking problems and overcrowding
        • shoreline erosion from jet ski hires by tourists on Windermere lake
        • Fix the fells project - set out to repair landscape scars - using stone pitching
          • in 2004, £915,000 spent on project
          • however, it is volentary therefore umber of workers would vary.
        • speed limits on lake is now 10 knots
          • however, this has negatively impacted some businesses - Low wood hotel has lost its jet ski business
  • Environmental damage
    • footpath erosion
      • around 4 miklion people walk 6km of the fells a year
      • damage to soils and plants
      • worst in honeypots areas - Wansfell
    • parking problems and overcrowding
    • shoreline erosion from jet ski hires by tourists on Windermere lake


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