The Lac Operon

  • Created by: Ellie0o0o
  • Created on: 22-04-15 15:05
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  • Lac Operon
    • Cis-acting elements + protein-coding genes
      • Lac ZYA genes
        • A repressor
        • beta-galactosidadse
        • a permease
        • A transacetylase
      • Cis-acting: Lac I
        • Repressor
          • Lac ZYA genes
            • A repressor
            • beta-galactosidadse
            • a permease
            • A transacetylase
          • Operator sites overlaps promoter site for Lac Operon
          • Monomer with multiple domains
            • N-terminal binding domain
              • Contains 2 alpha helices which bind to the DNA major groove
            • Hinge
            • Core
            • Forms a dimer. Hinge allows both monomers to bind at once
    • Lactose inducer
      • Prevents repressor activity
      • Disrupts hinge region of repressor
    • LacZYA expressed at basal levels in presence of represser
    • Very unstable mRNA so levels can rapidly alter
    • There are actually 2 operator regions
      • 2 dimers form a tetramer
      • 1 dimer binds each operator region
        • DNA forms a loop
    • cAMP Repressor Protein (CRP) can bind to an adjacent sequence and activate transcription when activated by cAMP


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