F962B Modern History - Key Question 2

Key Question 2 - Reasons Hitler came to power in January 1933

  • Created by: Carly B
  • Created on: 17-04-13 19:06
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  • KQ2
    • WG weakness/failings
      • Constitution
      • Economic problems
      • TofV association
      • Overall hatred
    • Political skill + propaganda
      • Goebbal's propaganda machine
      • Removing radical policies
      • Charisma
      • Demigog
      • Exploitation of other factors
    • Backstairs Intrigue
      • Hindenburg
      • Von Schelicher
      • Von Papen
      • Thought they could control Hitler
    • Depression
      • Unemployment
      • Social unrest
      • Constitution
      • Poverty
      • Support for extremists


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