Geography - Kobe And Sichuan Earthquake Comparison

  • Created by: JoshyBoy
  • Created on: 10-03-15 19:58
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  • Kobe And Sichuan Earthquake Comparison
    • Kobe, Japan
      • Cause
        • Eurasian Plate and Philippine Plate  colliding
        • Epicentre 20KM away from the city
        • Kobe is reclaimed land so it acted like a liquid. (Liquefaction)
      • Primary Effect
        • 6434 People died
        • Many seriously injured
        • Buildings destroyed
        • Water/Gas pipes ruptured
        • No phone connections
        • 7.2 on Richter Scale
        • 5:47 In morning
        • Lasted 20 Seconds
      • Secondary Effects
        • Homeless people
        • Families were split up
      • Immediate Responses
        • Emergency services
        • Helicopters
      • Long Term Responses
        • Temporary School and Homes
        • Roads and transport services built back up
        • All buildings made earthquake proof
    • Sichuan, China
      • Indian Plate colliding with Eurasian plate
      • The two plates where running under Sichuan
      • Primary Effects
        • 7.9 On Richter Scale
        • Lasted for 120 seconds
        • 69,000 Dead
          • 18,000 Missing
          • 374,000 Injured
        • Many children as school had just started
      • Secondary Effects
        • More than 5 million homeless
        • 5 million buildings collapsed
      • Immediate Responses
        • Emergency services arrived 3 hours after
        • 20 Helicopters.
        • Troops parachuted to access situation
      • Long Term Responses
        • International Help
        • £100 million donations
        • 1 Child Policy Removed for those who lost children
        • Untitled


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