Khatija and Holly Persuasive Writing

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  • Persuasive Writing
    • Techniques
      • Guilt
      • facts and statistics
      • Rule of 3
      • Repetition
      • Punctuation
      • Imagery
      • Imperative Verbs
      • Pleading
      • Paragraphs
      • Emotive Language
      • Rhetorical Question
      • Parallel Phrasing
      • Flattery
    • Is it everyone's job to stop Global Warming?
    • For (Paragraph 1)
      • Next generation won't have a sufficient place to live
        • pollution
        • harsh living conditions
        • habitats destroyed
          • 'think about the animals'
            • sanctity of life
        • food shortage
        • Guilt
        • Respiratory problems
        • Rhetorical question
        • Imperative Statement
        • Emotive Language
        • Wildfires
        • "" ? ! ... -
        • Extinction
      • Imagery
    • Introduction
      • Introduce what GW and CC mean
      • Stats and Figures
      • Guilt
      • Parenthesis ""
      • Speech from scientist
      • "Do we have the right to exterminate species?" - David Attenborough
      • "Your silence is almost worst of all" -Greta
    • Conclusion
      • Guilt
      • Flattery
      • Not worth damaging our home
      • Encourage cylcing
      • Reduce carbon footprint
      • List
      • : bullet points ()
    • Against (Paragraph 2)
      • Can't afford electric cars
        • public transport, cycle
      • CO2 crucial for economic farming
      • population growth
      • world is always heating and cooling
      • Imperative Verbs
      • rule of 3
      • Repetition
      • Alliteration
      • Metaphors
      • ! , : ?
      • Rhetorical Q
      • Varied sentence lengths
      • One-word sentence
    • Possessive pronouns
    • Furthermore, However, Overall, In Conclusion, On the other hand, Moreover


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