English Language - Form - Adverts, Leaflets and Articles

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  • Form - Adverts, Leaflets and Articles
    • Adverts have got to be persuasive
      • An advert could be advertising many different things, e.g. a product, a charity or even a political party
        • "Write the text for a mobile phone advertisement which aims to persuade young men to buy the phone."
          • Whatever you decide to advertise, you've got to be persuasive. So use plenty of persuasive techniques to convince the reader that you're right.
            • The style of your advert should be very different depending on your audience and what you're advertising
    • Organise your text
      • When you're writing an advert, leaflet or article, you can use headings, subheadings and bullet points to make your writing more effective.
        • Make sure your paragraphs are well developed though - don't split your writing into too many short sections.
          • You can have a heading that clearly introduces a paragraph giving information
            • You can use questions as headings
              • Bullet points separate pieces of information for easy reading
    • Leaflets are often informative
      • If you have to write a leaflet, you can write in paragraphs, but you can also include subheadings and bullet points
        • "Write the text of a leaflet which informs tourists of what your area has to offer them."
          • You could be asked to write an informative leaflet, or one to explain or to advise
            • Write in a style to suit your audience, but don't let it get too simple just  because it's a leaflet.
    • Articles have different purposes
      • An article can be for a magazine or newspaper. The type of publication will give you important clues about what kind of audience you're writing for.
        • If you're asked to write an article, look carefully at the purpose. If the purpose is to inform, focus on who, what, when and where. If the purpose is to argue, focus on your point of view.


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