Kantian Ethics 2

  • Created by: Birdy234
  • Created on: 11-01-18 09:58
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  • Kantian Ethics
    • Duty For Duty's Sake
      • The only reason for putting 'Good Will' into action is a sense of Duty
    • Good Will
      • Good Will is the only pure motive for performing any Action
      • Duty For Duty's Sake
        • The only reason for putting 'Good Will' into action is a sense of Duty
    • The Hypothetical Imperative
      • "If I want this to happen; then I must do this"
      • The motive is always linked to the conclusion
      • The only reason you will perform an action is because you want the outcome
    • The Categorical Imperative
      • Universalism
        • Performing an action only if you believe everyone else would do the same in your situation
      • Humans as Ends
        • Humans are treaded as ends and not means to an end
      • The Kingdom of Ends
        • A society where everyone treats everyone else with the same human rights as them
        • Everyone is treaded as ends and not as means


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