kamikaze-beatrice garland

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  • kamikaze-beatrice garland
    • The sea: the traditional way of life and its close links to the sea have a timeless quality.
      • 'green-blue translucent sea', remembering details of the games he played, the colours of the fish, the taste of the sea salt, vivid memories show what he is about to lose and conveys a powerful sense of home-sickness.
    • Family life: there are repeated references to family members as the poem unfolds.
      • 'my mother never spoke again in his presence', the story is told to a whole new generation of grandchildren, who never met him, shows the consequence of the pilot's decision - his entire family and community judge him.
    • a narrative poem, it tells a story of a kamikaze pilot turns back from his target and returns home.
    • begins as a kind of report, summarising another conversation or an overheard story told by someone else.
    • Sections of the poem are presented in italics as first-person narrative, where the storyteller speaks directly for herself.
    • does not rhyme and has no regular rhythmic pattern, allows the story to be told simply, letting the tragedy and emotion shine through.
    • composed of only three sentences and contains only three full-stops, perhaps reflecting the idea of a story being told orally.
    • The final sentence is only three lines and reverts back to third person, suggests that the pilot may have thought he would've been better off if he had died in the suicide mission.
  • themes
  • structure
  • form


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