John Finnis' Natural Law

  • Created by: e.r.123
  • Created on: 22-06-21 21:16
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  • John Finnis' Natural Law
    • Nine requirements of practical reason
      • Commitment
      • Respect for every basic value in every act
      • Detachment
      • No arbitrary preferences among persons
      • Efficiency within reason
      • No arbitrary preferences among values
      • The requirements of the common good
      • Have a coherent plan of life
      • Follow one's conscience
    • Seven basic goods
      • Aesthetic experience
      • Play
      • Friendship
      • Knowledge
      • Practical reasonableness
      • Life
      • Religion
    • Is this acceptable in a modern society?
      • No
        • Absolutism  is discriminatory.
        • There is no reason to accept the goods as absolute - there is no basis for them.
        • The vagueness of the goods gives the illusion of freedom, without the reality.
      • Yes
        • It allows people the freedom to choose from a wide range of appropriate goods
        • The goods include things like play and friendship, which we value highly today.
        • Finnis shares the value of practical reason with contemporary society.
    • John Finnis
      • Australian legal philosopher
      • 20th/21st century
      • Author of Natural Law and Natural Rights (1980 and 2011)


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