Jesus as a Teacher of Wisdom

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  • Jesus as a Teacher of Wisdom
    • Scholars
      • Martin Luther
        • pushed for the Bible to written in languages other than Latin so people could understand the teachings
      • John Hick
        • Wants to avoid exclusivism as religion should be God centric not Christ centric in order to avoid being exclusive of others
        • Resurrection should not be taken literally as it is a metaphor for the resurrection of Jesus' moral teachings
        • The core concept of Jesus is the golden rule; "love thy neighbour as yourself". this is good reason to say he is a teacher of wisdom
        • Incarnation goes against rational understanding in science, proving miracles can't happen. Therefore, incarnation doesn't make sense
      • Ludwig Wittgenstein
        • Jesus affirmed authentic living by embodying spiritual and moral virtuousness
      • Leo Tolstoy
        • "the significance of Jesus lay in his moral commandments"
      • Friedrich Nietzche
        • "the power and authority of Jesus' moral teachings is that they do not rely on abstraction but rather real engagement with affirmation of life"
      • Christopher Hitchens
        • argued against Jesus being a moral teacher because "if only non-sinners have the right to punish then how can an imperfect society ever determine how to prosecute others?"
      • C.S. Lewis
        • he is a teacher of wisdom AND the son of God; if he isn't the Son of God as well then he was a liar and cannot be a good teacher - "either this man was and is the Son of God or else a madman"
    • Arguments
      • Jesus of Nazareth did exist but he was likely not the Son of God
      • Jesus' role was to fulfil the law of the Old testament through the New testament in order to adapt to human moral understanding and obligation. he makes the law stricter in order to ensure people are loving to everyone, including enemies
      • Parable of the Lost Son - Jesus' demand for forgiveness goes against the idea of justice. he says we should forgive over seek revenge because although morality allows sinners to repent multiple times, forgiveness should never end because generosity should never end
      • Jesus says inner motivation is more important than the actions themselves. he also teaches of radical inner purity meaning just the thought of sinning means you have committed it. he emphasises this to remove sin from both mind and body
      • Jesus favours the poor and oppressed over the rich as he says just because they're suffering does not mean they have sinned. an example is the Healing of the Woman with a Haemorrhage
      • Jesus was not divine as he is shown to be scared of death in the Garden of Gethsemane
      • Jesus teaches of morality, forgiveness and confrontation of political and religious authority in parables such as The Lost Son and The Good Samaritan
      • The gospel of John is meant to be interpreted rather than to be taken literally as these words are likely those of John's portraying Jesus as the Son of God not Jesus' teachings as just a teacher of wisdom
      • Jesus was just a Rabbi with a special message. He spent a lot of time preaching in synagogues as shown in Mark 11:21
        • A Rabbi is a respectful teacher who interprets the Jewish law


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