India's Energy Mix

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  • India's Energy Mix
    • Energy is vital for India's development
      • With population of over 1 billion & a rapidly industrialising economy
        • Despite this India remains a poor country
          • In 2006 its income per capita was $800 - very low
    • What is India's Energy Mix?
      • Coal is 55% of energy consumed
      • Nuclear energy accounts for just 3% of electricity production (by 2015 this is set to double)
      • India's domestic oil reserves supply only 1/3rd of demand
        • Hence its reliance on imports from Middle East and Africa
      • 60% of India's energy consumption occurs in rural India - traditional fuels such as wood and charcoal
      • Compared to coal, oil and gas reserves are small
    • Why is the Energy Mix like this?
      • Coal is India's most abundant energy resource, hence why it drives the economy
        • With huge coal reserves it will remain the leading fuel for the foreseeable future
      • 60% of India's energy consumption occurs in rural areas
        • In rural India, most people rely on biomass resources (fuelwood, animal dung) all of these are collected locally at zero cost
          • Production and consumption of fuel wood has led to serious deforestation and  degradtion


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