The Impact of the Korean War

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  • Impact of the Korean War
    • Korea
      • 10% of the Korean population died
      • Massive economic damage
        • 600,000 homes destroyed
        • 8,700 factories destroyed
      • Also, the war was unsucessful
    • China
      • 150,00 Chinese troops killed
      • The war diverted Mao's attention from Taiwan
      • Exposed weakness in the Chinese army
      • Led to costly military reform
      • However, it helped show China as a world superpower
    • USA
      • Economics- $30 Billion
      • 36,000 troops dead
    • Japan
      • Got money from USA- supplied tanks and ****. $3 billion by 1954
      • Became allied with South Korea
      • The USA and Japan signed a security pact 1951


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