humanistic psychology

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  • Humanistic psychology
    • Free will
      • Claims that human beings are essentially self determining and have free will 
      • Does not mean people aren't affected by internal or external influences but we are active agents who have the ability to determine our own development 
      • We are all unique and should be focused n the subjective experience rather than general laws.
        • Person centered approach 
      • Maslow reject scientific models that attempt to establish general principles of human behavior 
      • Both rogers and maslow regarded personal growth and fulfilment in life as a basic human motive
        • Meaning that that people seek to grow psychologically and continuously enhance themselves
    • Maslow's theory
      • believed that people posses a set of motivation systems that are unrelated to stimulus-response rewards or unconscious desires
      • 5 motivational needs: 1. Biological and psychological 2. safety 3. love and belongingness 4. esteem 5. self actualisation
      • found that ordinary people may undergo genuine peaks in the seemingly most commonplace events and surroundings
      • maslow eventually felt sure that the more emotionally healthy we are, the greater the likelihood of a peak-experience
        • also the more frequent such episodes become in the course of day to day living
    • self actualisation
      • behaviours leading to SA
        • Experiencing life like a child
        • trying new things instead of sticking to safe paths
        • listening to your own feelings
        • avoiding pretense and being honest
        • being prepared to be unpopular
        • taking responsibility
      • Self actualisation is a matter of degree and there are no perfect human beings
        • He didnt think it was necessary to display all 15 characteristics to become SA'd
        • Maslow did not equate SA with perfection it is merely achieving one's potential
    • Focus on the self
      • rogers claimed that people have two basic needs 1. positive regard from others 2. feeling of self worth
      • he believed people could only fulfil their potential if they had a positive view on themselves
      • a positive self regard can only happen if you have an unconditional positive regard for others
      • people dont see the +ve regard for others as unconditional
        • They see it as only being valued if they meet conditions
        • creating incongruity between the real self and the ideal self
    • Congruence
      • rogers rejected the deterministic nature of both psychoanalysis and behaviourism and maintained that we behave as we do because of the way we perceive the situation
      • when there is similarity between a persons ideal self and how they perceive themselves to be in real life
    • conditions of worth
      • when people experience conditional positive regard they develop conditions of worth
      • these are the conditions that they perceive other put upon them
      • so rogers assumed that people can only "grow" if surrounded by genuineness, acceptance and empathy


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