How important was the arms race in shaping superpower relations?

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  • How important was the nuclear arms race in shaping superpower relations between 1953-1963?
      • Moral climate
      • Long term deterrence
      • Acceleration of arms race
      • Fear and paranoia
      • Summit diplomacy
      • Directly shaped CMC
        • LINK: actions of individuals caused the CMC
            • Judgement: It was the arms race that shaped individuals!!!
            • USSR
              • Peaceful co-existence (early 50s)
              • Khrushchev's aggression (late 50s/early 60s)
            • USA
              • Eisenhower- New look policy
              • Eisenhower- moral awareness and random policy
              • Kennedy's flexible response
            • LINK: leaders' diplomacy influenced by economic
              • ECONOMIC
                • Iiving standards agenda
                • US Economic superiority
                • Judgement: Economic isn't as important the arms race was even more money. However, it may have been an initial factor in the early 50s
                • LINK: Reason for wanting to improve living standards is for ideological superiority!
                  • IDEOLOGY
                    • Judgement: Ideology is the underlying factor in shaping superpower relations and arguably initiated the arms race.
                    • competitive side of arms race
                    • Shaped all individuals
                    • Third world confrontation
      • Judgement: Overall the most important factor in shaping relations but ideology is underlying!!
      • LINK: actions of individuals caused the CMC
          • Judgement: It was the arms race that shaped individuals!!!
          • USSR
            • Peaceful co-existence (early 50s)
            • Khrushchev's aggression (late 50s/early 60s)
          • USA
            • Eisenhower- New look policy
            • Eisenhower- moral awareness and random policy
            • Kennedy's flexible response
          • LINK: leaders' diplomacy influenced by economic
            • ECONOMIC
              • Iiving standards agenda
              • US Economic superiority
              • Judgement: Economic isn't as important the arms race was even more money. However, it may have been an initial factor in the early 50s
              • LINK: Reason for wanting to improve living standards is for ideological superiority!
                • IDEOLOGY
                  • Judgement: Ideology is the underlying factor in shaping superpower relations and arguably initiated the arms race.
                  • competitive side of arms race
                  • Shaped all individuals
                  • Third world confrontation


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