how the NISCC’s Standards of conduct and Practice for Social Workers can help protect service users with learning disabilities

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  • how the NISCC’s Standards of conduct and Practice for Social Workerscan help protect service users with learning disabilities
    • responsible for Maintaining a register of Social Workers and Social Care Workers inNorthern Ireland (over 49,000 registrants)
    • responsible for setting standards for Social Workers and Social Care Workers for their conduct, training and practice
    • responsible for setting standards for and regulating social work education and training in Northern Ireland
    • They regulate the workforce by maintaining a register and setting standards for the conduct, practice and training of social worker, social work students andsocial care workers to ensure that the quality of care provided to people whouse services is of a high standard.
    • The standards of conduct describe the values, attitudes and behaviours expected of social care workers in their day to day work. The standards of practice outline the knowledge and skills required for competent practice.
    • Social workers are professionally accountable for their practice which means that they are responsible for ensuring their conduct and practice does not fall below the standards set out in this document and that no action or omission on their part harms the wellbeing of service users or carers
    • The standards provide social workers with clear criteria to guide their practice and to check that they are working to standard. They are intended to be a support to registrants in their day to day practice.
    • The standards provide service users and carers with a clear understanding of how a social worker should behave towards them and the standards of practice they can expect to receive.


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