How accurate is it to say that the development of youth culture in the period 1945-79 was primarily due to social change?

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  • How accurate is it to say that the development of youth culture in the period 1945-79 was primarily due to social change?
    • Thesis: The development of youth culture in the period 1945-79 was primarily due to social change
      • Post-war - most youths joined different groups to differentiate from parents/ estabished culture
      • Young people formed a new market/ businesspeople anxious to market goods to them by emphasising youth appeal
    • Antithesis: The development of youth culture in the period 1945-79 was primarily due to other factors
      • Most youths only joined youth movements briefly/ never intended to rebel/be effectively different from elders
      • Most youths just wanted to be with people their own age who shared common interests (clothes/music) - simply followed fashion


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