Homeostasis 5.1 and 5.2

  • Created by: Meil00run
  • Created on: 12-12-18 21:04
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  • Homeostasis
    • Reflex System
      • Stimulus
      • Receptor
      • Sensory Neurone
      • Relay Neurone
        • At the Synapse a chemical is released that causes an impulse to be relayed across from the sensory neurone to the Motor neurone
      • Motor Neurone
      • Effector
        • Muscle Contracting
        • Gland releasing Hormone or other substance
    • Things that are controlled
      • Blood Sugar
      • Urea
      • Temperature
      • Water Level
      • Carbon Dioxide
    • Control Systems
      • Receptors
        • Detect Stimuli
      • Coordination Centres
        • Brain, Spinal Cord and Pancreas - recieves and processes information from Receptors
      • Effectors
        • Carries out response which restores optimum levels.


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