Hodges and Tizard (Institutions & Privation)

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  • Hodges and Tizard (Institutions & Privation)
    • Participants
      • 65 British children in institutions from a few months old
        • 15 restored to biological families
        • 24 adopted
      • Children given good quality care, but staff discouraged from forming attachments
        • Privation occurred
      • Matched to a control group - been with biological families all life
    • Results
      • No attachments at age 4
        • Adopted
          • Age 8: Good attachements
          • Better social and intellectual development
        • Restored
          • Weaker attachements
          • More behavioural problems
        • ALL more attention seeking and had difficulty forming peer relationships
    • Evaluation
      • Not randomly allocated - mroe social/ attractive children for adoption - confounding variable so no cause and effect
      • Interviews (self report) so social desirability bias - may want to present child in good light - biased results
      • High attrition rate - families with most difficulty dropped out - leaves biased and not representative sample
    • Procedures
      • Assessments at age 8 and 16
        • Interviews with peers
        • Interviews with teachers
        • Interviews with families


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