History Chapter 1: Germany in 1900

Mind-map highlighting the key features of Chapter 1 and parts of Chapter 2 and 3 from the book 'From Kaiser to Furher: Germany 1900-1945'

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  • Germany in 1900
    • Bismarck's Legacy
      • Creation of German state 1871
      • Constitution
        • Kaiser
        • Chancellor
          • Kaiser
        • Bundesrat
        • Reichstag
          • male suffrage
            • no real power
              • Reichstag
                • male suffrage
                  • no real power
          • Prussian dominated
          • Archaic voting system
          • Indirect Tax
        • State Welfare
          • SIL, AIL, OAPL
      • German Economy
        • 2nd Revolution
          • 1914: industrial power
          • GNP: 4.5%
          • Short term
            • Long term
              • Population growth exponential
              • abundance of raw materials
            • Education
              • 1890-1914 uni 2x
            • Banking
              • Credit policy
            • Protection
              • Tariffs
            • Cartels
              • accepted, legally protected
              • Coal, Thyssen, Krupp 1893
          • Long term
            • Population growth exponential
            • abundance of raw materials
      • New Ideas
        • Socialism
          • Marxism
          • SPD 1875
            • 1893 1/4 vote
          • anti-socialist 1878-90
        • Nationalism
          • Conservative by 1900
          • Germanisation
            • 5% minorities
          • Lebensraum
        • Social-Darwinism
          • Survival...
          • Wagner
          • Jews 'inferior, parasetic'
          • Anti-Semitism
        • Anti-Semitism
      • German Society
        • Junkers
          • Landed nobility
          • Officers
        • Industrialists
          • copy junkers
        • Middle Class
          • maintain status quo
        • Mittelstand
          • lower-middle
          • far right support
            • Goldhage "willing executioners"
        • Working Class
          • 30% prosperous 2nd, abject poverty
        • National identity
          • Kulturkampf
          • Kaelbe
      • Political Structure
        • Chancellors
          • Caprivi
            • New Course
              • conservative pressures
            • Legalise Socialism
            • Tariff reform
            • Army reform
            • Anti socialist lapsed
            • 1890-4
          • Hohenlohe
            • 'puppet figure'
            • 1897
              • turning point (historians)
              • weltpolitik
            • 1894-1900
          • Bulow
            • 1900-09
            • foreign minister
              • 1897 1900
            • manipulator
            • welpolitik
              • 1897 1900
            • Hottentot election
            • Telegraph affair
          • Bethmann
            • 1909-1917
            • lack of experience in foreign affairs
            • ignorance of military issues
        • Reichstag
          • Conservatives
            • DKP, RP, NLP
            • 1887, 48% vote
              • DKP, RP, NLP
            • 1912, 26% vote
            • Liberals
              • 1893, 3 parties
                • failure of liberalism
            • Centre Party
              • Catholic
              • important
            • Social Democrats
              • SPD
              • 1912, 34.8% vote
              • reformists
              • marxists
          • pressure groups
            • Agrarian League
            • Pan-German League
            • Navy League
            • Hakastein
        • Who Ran Germany?
          • Personal Rule
            • Rohl
            • Wilhelm's personality
            • Extensive powers
            • however
              • grasp of politics limited
              • lazy, pleasure seeking
              • no regular routine
              • preferred social, ceremonial roles
              • delusion of power?
          • History from below
            • Blackbourn, Eley
            • popular movements
            • responding to public opinion
          • Structuralist
            • Wehler
            • elites
            • 1890 power vacuum
            • sammlungspolitik
            • however
              • exaggerated purpose
              • declining junker class
              • fears of middle class





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