
  • Created by: Gabi
  • Created on: 17-12-12 18:56
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  • high school shooting.
    • Recent Shootings.
      • February 27, 2012: Chardon High School shooting, Ohio.
        • T.J. Lane, 17, took a 22-caliber pistol and a knife to a high school in Chardon, Ohio, and fired 10 shots at a group of students sitting at a cafeteria table before school, authorities said. Three students died. Lane was arrested outside the school.
      • April 16, 2007: Virginia Tech shooting, Virginia.
        • Seung-Hui Cho, 23, a student at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia., shot and killed 32 people in attacks two hours apart in two campus buildings. Cho, who was diagnosed with mental illness, killed himself. The university was found negligent for not alerting the campus after the first round of shootings.
    • America.
      • Gun law in America changes depending on the state you are in. In some states people can carry loaded firearms everywhere with them. The right to own a gun is protected by the Second Amendment.
  • Gun law
    • high school shooting.
      • Recent Shootings.
        • February 27, 2012: Chardon High School shooting, Ohio.
          • T.J. Lane, 17, took a 22-caliber pistol and a knife to a high school in Chardon, Ohio, and fired 10 shots at a group of students sitting at a cafeteria table before school, authorities said. Three students died. Lane was arrested outside the school.
        • April 16, 2007: Virginia Tech shooting, Virginia.
          • Seung-Hui Cho, 23, a student at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia., shot and killed 32 people in attacks two hours apart in two campus buildings. Cho, who was diagnosed with mental illness, killed himself. The university was found negligent for not alerting the campus after the first round of shootings.
      • America.
        • Gun law in America changes depending on the state you are in. In some states people can carry loaded firearms everywhere with them. The right to own a gun is protected by the Second Amendment.
    • China.
      • In China the laws on gun crime are strict. To enforce the governments rules, China regularly hold campaigns against holding illegal firearms.
    • In the UK it is illegal to carry or use firearms with out a certificate








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