Henry VII's Claim to the Throne

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  • Henry's Claim
    • The Princess in the Tower
      • Richard III became king by throwing his nephews Richard and Edward in the Tower
      • This could create issues for Henry as there might be pretenders
    • Claim Rules
      • a blood claim is stronger than a marriage claim
      • the closer the relationship, the stronger the claim
      • paternal claim is stronger than maternal claim
    • Henry's claim to the Throne
      • Maternal claim- his mother was Margaret Beaufort whose great-great-grandfather was King Edward III
        • Weak Claim as it was maternal and 4 generations old but was a blood claim
      • paternal claim- his father, Edmund Tudor was the son of the second husband of Catherine of Valois, who was first married to Henry V
        • weak claim as it was through marriage, was paternal though
    • Rival Claimants and Threat Posed
      • John de la Pole-maternal claim through Elizabeth, Richard III's sister, 23 years old in 1485
        • Strong threat as he wouldn't need a regent and there was a blood claim
      • Edward, Earl of  Warwick- paternal claim through George, Duke of Clarence who was Richard III's brother, 10 years old in 1485
        • Potential threat in the furure as he still needed a regent but had a strong claim
      • Elizabeth of York- daughter of Edward IV and sister of Edward V, strong paternal claim, 19 in 1485
        • unlikely threat due to her being a woman but had very strong paternal blood claim and a good age
      • Anne and Catherine of York- daughter and Edward IV, Anne was 6 and Catherine was 10
        • Not threats due to age and sex


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