Grammarian's Funeral

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  • Grammarian's Funeral
    • Rhythm
      • alternating rhyme, long line with injection of short lines between, links to LAR long/short lines create echo/sweet feel, reminising, long, like looking out to what once was
      • 'Plain/ again' strained ryhme shows its hard work carrying the corpse, not natural
      • /vv/v iambic/trochaic, heroic, grandious Dactyls, Pentamter
    • Layout
      • 2 giant stanzas,
        • Stanza breaks when reach the citadel,a hard bit on the road, shows they are faulted, really just humans, poem interrupted by intereactions w/ peple, surroundings, which is bathetic
      • 'Seek we sepulture', hyperbolic, sibilance, , trying to show how educated they are
      • List of 3, 'famous, calm and dead', BATHOS, brutal, doesn;t fit, they read loads of literature but actually their writing is rubbish, chosen cos fits rhyme with 'head', not clever
      • Interspersed presence of talking about the past, random directions 'eft play for work'
      • 'Give!' imperatives, authoritives,
      • Direct speech, ''up with the curtain!'' from someone else, links to SpanClo.
      • '-living he'd learn how to live-' he's been too scared, protestants did nto believe you earnt savin- God is pleased with you without you doing things to show that you are worthy, Browning wrote in a Portestant time, judging the students for their view
      • 'Back to his studies, fresher than at first, Feirce as a dragon', similie, not really very fierce to be studying
      • 'Hail' high register, granious
        • loads of sibilance, 'Loftily lying, Leave him'
    • Imagery
      • 'Clouds overcome it', the clouds overcome the mountain but is it a metaphor, pathetic phalicy, like in Prospice, they can;t see anythign at the top of the mounatin, maybe they can;t understand him, he has a cloud around him, been so buried in his books all these years, or is he enveloped in his own world?
      • Religious imagery, ;'-yonder ssparkle' sounds like Heaven
      • '-here's his places, where meteors shoot, clouds form, Lightnings are loosened', more fun than he ever was! Things God should only know alos, links to IGPICT,  Promethean Fire
    • Context
      • Young wannabe scholars are carrying the Grammarian up the hillside, they think its v.serious/important, hard work/windy/hard breathimg is the reality of it not very reverential
    • Character
      • 'Let us begin and carry up this corpse, singing together' sounds cheerful, they're snobby, links to UpVilla, 'eave we the common crofts, the vulgar thorpes'
      • '-man's thought, Rarer, intenser',  body vs mind, they value mind, it has ststatus to them
      • 'eave  we the unlettered plain its heard and crop'
        • uneducated farmers, arrogant attitude, makes reader dislike them
      • Multiple people talking at once, LL 'we' 'us' first person plural unusual in Browning poems
      • They do respect him, 'He knew the signal'
      • The Gramarian tried to find God's hidden myseteries, links with Toc of Gal, 'Straight got by heart that book to its last age;'
      • 'Sucked at the flagon'
        • he is trying to drain all knowledge he can, it is his refreshment, not the same as other human beings, its what he lives for/on
      • 'He ventured neck or nothing', gambler? like in ApFail. when the gambler risks everything and ends up dying
        • 'This throws himself on God', he is aggressive, arrogant?
      • 'Dead from the waist down' he has no sex
      • they finally reach the top, 'Well, heres the platform' Choice to bury him at the top could reveal nassascism of speakers, say more abotu them than him, it sets them from the rest
        • 'Swallows and curlews!' covered in birds, haven't noticed birds are naturally low-lying only migrate on occassions, don't know enough abou tthe physical world to understand this, probabyl covered in poo cos so many birds, not respectful.
          • They reveal that he wasted his life and they're nto as clever as they think
    • Untitled
  • '- God surely will contrive Use for our earnign', -selfish
  • violent imagery, 'throttling hands of death at strif'


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